I decided to do an entry about Lilly today. I have been in almost constant awe the last few days while I have watched Lilly. She is getting so big, and is doing so many new things now I can hardly keep up with her! (and no she isn't even walking yet! so I know it is just going to get worse!)
During the Last few days she has suddenly started talking a lot more, and I realize that I am beginning to understand a lot of what she is saying. Everything has a word attached now. I have discovered that unless we are truly ready to go anywhere, I can't say one word because if I do she will start saying over and over again "go, go, go" and "bye bye, bye bye" If the car stops at a light or stop sign she immediately says "go go!"
She is waving and saying bye bye every time she leaves and when her dad comes home she just starts chanting "daddy, daddy" She just gets so excited! She will even answer our questions now with a yes or a no. When she wants to see the camera she says "see, I see" I have just been awed by the fact that she is not longer a baby, but a growing, healthy toddler!
For Christmas she got a cabbage patch doll and a Care Bear. The doll came with a bottle and so she sits down with her baby and tries to feed her. She also gives lots of hugs to her dolls. Now all that is left is WALKING! I hope that happens soon!