Lilly is already 2 1/2 years old. She is getting bigger every day. She absolutely loves to watch Spongebob Squarepants and most any Disney movie. She is really getting into coloring and crafts and asks to do something along those lines each day. She is always asking if we can go and play with the "kids", which means that she wants to go and play at the mall play area with the other children that play there. She is getting braver everyday and learning to do more things, like climb onto her bed. She is finally going to nursery each week, even though it is still a fight up until they serve snack, and then she is just fine. One Sunday I made her go over to the snack side while I stayed on the other side of the partition. She was crying and crying, and then I heard the food hit the table, and it was complete and total silence! I swear she is becoming just like her Daddy! She is also big on the attitude and we are trying to combat it each day. Lately whenever I ask her to do something she gives me this big ol' sigh and then goes and does whatever I asked. I swear she is turning into a teenager right before my eyes. She is also a really great big sister. She just loves Molly and helps out with her all the time. I catch her saying phrases to her that I sometimes say like "Hi Pretty Girl", and "Hey Sweet Girl". I just can't get enough of our vivacious little girl, and look forward to a summer full of fun and friends.
I have the hardest time getting a real smile from her. Most of the time it is just a cheesy grin