Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Random Funny

Lilly has been saying a lot of funny things lately, but tonight at dinner it took the cake! We were discussing how fast our kids our growing up and how they will be dating before we even know it. Aaron was talking about how Lilly would date all these creepy boys. So I turned to Lilly and this is how the rest of the conversation goes....

Me: "Lilly, will you promise to date only nice boys?"
Lilly: (insert little whine and cry here) "No Mom I don't like boys"
Me: "Maybe someday you will. So do you promise to date only nice boys?"
Lilly: "No Mom, I don't like boys! I only like girls!"

So the laughing ensued and Aaron and I wondered how you talk to a 3 year old about this. I suppose you don't and just wait to broach the subject when we have too. Boy oh boy, I'm not sure that I'm looking forward to that day!