Saturday, October 16, 2010

Grandma And Grandpa's House

The girls and I just spent a week at my Mom and Dad's house in White Bird. My Mom just had some surgery so I went to help out. The girls had a great time. Lilly is much braver now and played with her cousins a ton. Molly spent most of the time trying to hang on me. I found out during the week that she had begun to teeth her 2 year old molars! It explained a lot! We also spent some time with Aunt Cody. We helped her can some pears and decorate cupcakes for my nephews birthday party. Then I helped my Dad organize and inventory his food storage. It definitely wasn't as bad as I expected it to be! During the entire week, my parents had some friends stay at the house while they hunted. One of the things they did was all the cooking and cleaning of the kitchen. It was awesome. I didn't have to worry about cooking anything all week. It was such a bummer when they left on Friday because then I had to clean the kitchen again. ah well, good things can't always last! I also, somehow, kept the suckers to a minimum. But you can bet that whenever Grandpa was around, the girls were forever giving him hugs and kisses in return for a sucker. Anyway, we had a great time and it was good to be able to help my Mom out. Thanks for everything Mom and Dad!

The apples are on!

I think she had a pretty good time

Brittany and Lilly

Molly decided that her sister backpack was pretty cool

But it is as big as she is!