Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Dance Recital

Lilly had her first dance recital! It was so great. She was so excited all day and was even a little concerned when we had to stop to get some batteries for the camera at the store. All she wanted to do was go to her recital. We arrived early and got a great seat. She is taking dance classes at the Community Center so there were tons of dancers there. When it was finally close to Lilly's turn for her dance she went out and waited her turn. She started to get a little nervous, so I went and stood off stage while she did her dance with her class. Some of the pictures are a little dark, but Aaron was trying to hold the camera and Molly at the same time, not a good combo! Lilly was also having a great time watching the other dances, so we stayed until the end. They gave out flowers for the dancers and Lilly couldn't have been more excited! We are so proud of you Lilly! You did a great job!

Lilly in her dance costume

The start of the dance. Her dance teacher is hugely pregnant, I was impressed that she could do half the stuff she was doing that night!

Her first real flower! She loves it!


CA Clayson Fam said...

You were so right. Those costumes are way better than ours were last year. You totally didn't get ripped off! So cute!

Michelle said...

I'm pretty sure she is the cutest girl I have ever seen. Such cute costumes!