Thursday, May 28, 2009


As I sat across from Lilly at McDonald's I was impressed at how well she ate her lunch and then politely asked to get down to go play. I was impressed by our conversation and by the fact that she can carry one with me now. I was impressed by her smiles and her kindness and her overall personality. I was impressed at how well Molly sat and played while we ate. I was impressed at how much she too talked to me (granted it was cooing - but it's all the same to a parent). I was suddenly overcome with a great joy and love for these two children that Heavenly Father saw fit to send to us. As I sat there I was all too aware of how fast my children are growing. Lilly will be 3 in a few short months and Molly is already 5 months old. All too soon they will be off to school, off to being moody teenagers, off on their first dates, off to college and off to lives that I hope I can continually be a part of. I realized that now is the time that I had better cherish and enjoy each smile, each hug and each I love you. Now is the time that I had better cherish their pure faith in me and the fact that they need me, because I know one day soon they will think that they don't need me anymore. Now is the time to cherish each moment that we have together, because all too soon I am going to have to let go. Time seems to be passing me by and I hope I can always cherish all the time that I have with my young family.


Shalee said...

This is a post I needed to read today! Its so true and I appreciate the reminder! :)